Friday, September 10, 2004


It's Friday again. Have you ever noticed that short weeks seem to take longer? I don't want to step on Seinfeilds thing here but, I mean, last Friday got here so fast I thought it could possibly be Wednesday and there it was Friday, while this Friday seems like it should have arrived yesterday. Today should be Saturday.

I think its because I started thinking about what I wanted to do this weekend too early. I normally don't have a whole lot of choices for the weekend, I kind of play it by ear - if something comes up I'm all over it but if nothing is happening I just watch HGTV until I have the urge to turn the Kitty into a cute Halloween themed fireplace screen.

This weekend is starting early. Last night was Alphagals birthday party and I'm not used to doing stuff on school nights. So it seemed like it was a weekend night, but it really was a Thursday night. I am so reckless.

Brosky and Alphagal going to spend the weekend being all selfless - they are riding their butts off in an MS bikeathon thing. I think I'm going to go sit on my butt at a Get Out The Vote BBQ thing on Saturday. I might go Sunday to a candidate fundraiser thing but I might not. It depends it all depends on the weather. Rain does not make me feel like going to a BBQ or put me into a fundraiser place. It makes me want to make more dog biscuits.

Speaking of rain, if you didn't light a candle for the people of Florida last weekend during the Hurricane, this week you get another chance. I think The Weather channel finally saw the beauty of rerunning a hit as often as possible. Kind of like the 12 weekly showing of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on Bravo. Poor Florida. Too bad they all have to suffer for Katharine Harris' bad deed. I'm sure they would sacrifice and just throw her into a wind tunnel and get it over with. Gawd is not amused by election tampering

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people hadn't just got their power back from Charley when Frances came through, that's a couple of weeks now and now Ivan is knocking on the door. Last winter I went four days and I was about to go all Lord of the Flies on my power company if they couldn't get it back on soon. Silly thought - I wonder if the winds blow the cockroaches away?

Florida hasn't had a chance to clean up from the last two storms and here comes another. Maybe the wind will come from a different direction and blow all the trash and crap from the first two away. Maybe God is working on a new way to deal with the pollution problem.

Kitty, bless his little furry butt, let me sleep all night! No 4:10am wake up calls! I was actually woken up by my alarm clock this morning instead of the sounds of crackling paper! It was beautiful. Kitty was sleeping at the foot of the bed just like he's supposed to. He can be so cute when he wants to be. I think he was happy with me because I let him go outside last night so he got to be all night hunter for a while in the back yard. I thought it was too muddy out there and he wouldn't like it but he was stretched out in the mud like a furry hippo, so I guess it was okay with him.

Have a good weekend! Say a prayer for Florida.

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