Thursday, September 30, 2004


Are ya'll going to watch The Debate? I'm , um, debating about it. I have a deep hate of Shrub and listening to his voice makes me stressful. I don't like to be stressful so close to bedtime. I tried watching Ralph Reed on John Stewart and couldn't even get through that - so I'm doubting I'll be able to deal with Shrub himself. And why does Daily Show keep having all the presidents mouth pieces on? ew.

I have this stuff I taped and I kind of would like to watch sooner rather than later and I'm sure Atrios and The Daily Show show will watch the debate for me anyway. So, should I watch it? I all ready know that Shrub is a lying, dim witted, two faced, mean spirited asshole - so whatever the outcome, it isn't going to change my vote. Is it worth my blood pressure going up? or will it help the cause to have me shrieking at my TV screen?

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