Thursday, October 7, 2004

Michigan GOP prefer new voters that “go commando”

"Although we are a small prosecutor's office, we are extremely busy prosecuting serious criminal activity," Burdick said in a letter addressed to Greg McNeilly, executive director of the state Republican Party. "...I choose to devote our resources to prosecuting those who are delivering cocaine to our young people rather than underwear."

Burdick was responding to the Michigan Republican Party's request that he be prosecuted for offering underwear and food to college students in exchange for their promise to vote.

Moore is touring the country and imploring "slackers" who usually don't vote to head to the polls this year, saying they could make the difference in the presidential race. During each program, habitual nonvoters are invited on stage to pledge to vote. First-time student voters are offered gag prizes such as clean underwear.

Full story Here

I mean, that Michael Moore. He is so much worse then Delay! Offering underwear for votes! Doesn't he know that the best way to buy votes is with influence peddling and money laundering? What an amateur! It's not that the Rethugs have a problem with vote buying, they just don't want Moore around lowering the property values. Rethugs have to make a living you know. Funding for illegal, politically motivated Gerrymandering doesn't grow on trees like it did once.

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