Thursday, November 18, 2004

So much for your Capital

The Bush administration is eyeing an overhaul of the tax code that would drastically cut, if not eliminate, taxes on savings and investment, but it is unlikely to try to replace the existing tax code with a single flat income tax rate or a national sales tax, according to several sources familiar with ongoing tax deliberations?

?.The changes are meant to be revenue-neutral. To pay for them, the administration is considering eliminating the deduction of state and local taxes on federal income tax returns and scrapping the business tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance, the advisers said

This is going to RAISE YOUR TAXES and ELIMINATE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE!!! All of you hanging on to your crappy job because at least it provided insurance, well, guess what? Some of them ain?t even gonna do that anymore. Call, write,email, visit, whatever, get your reps attention and start screaming- and remember to refer to it always as the "proposed Republican changes in the tax code".

If the Democrats don?t cause a shit storm over this and stop it in its tracks, they are completely useless and stupid and no better then the rethuglicans.

From Atrios

And from The New York Times registration required.

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