Tuesday, November 30, 2004

What Will Shrubs handlers do now?

It goes with out saying that Shrub himself is not in control of the presidency. He's not very bright and hardly equipped to handle the job. He's a figure head. A big wooden head of state strapped to front of the boat while the actual captain makes sure the aim the ship at the shore or in the case of this administration, the off shore banks.

Now with Ridge out of the way leafing through Pell grant applications and all the other newbies in the office,there must be some question as to whom will be next? Rumsfeld? Hardly. He's the most flawlessly on message of any of them , but he does carry Abu Greb around with him and people don't like him. Shrubs handlers have worked hard this time around to make them all seem more likeable. So far they have placed both an African American woman and an Hispanic man to posts, who ever fills Tom Ridges office will probably have be in a wheelchair. Its all about the inclusiveness the GOP is so well known for.


The PTB are going to need to start filling in the holes. Do they go with a Himmler/Hess model or with a taste great less flamingly evil model such as Erhlichman/Halderman to surround the big wooden head of state. How about Buchcannan? He was a Nixon man and is used to parroting crazy/paranoid into policy. There are a lot of the old guard around, waiting, does the fact that they did federal time keep them from holding federal office? They all ready made the world safe for Tom Delay. How low will the admin go? Who is too sleazy to work in the Bush White House?

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