Friday, January 28, 2005


It sucks to have everything in reruns. I’m forced to do stuff when I should be sitting on my ass watching TV.

Last night, for example instead of watching Law and Order, which wasn’t on so that Katie Couric could talk about sex with teenagers... “lets talk about sex Katie, lets talk about you and me, and all the good things and the bad things sex can be, lets talk about sex…” , I can’t think of a single TV personality with less teen cred then Katie Couric. Who came up with that idea? “Well, she’s short, kind of like a kid like that, so let’s hook her up with some sex having teens!”. I can’t even imagine. I guess it would be fun to lie about sex to Katie. I didn’t watch, did they lie to her or did they set her up with a bunch of Abstinences!Teens who told her how uncool they think sex is and how only the really unpopular kids at church have sex, while, they the cool kids, they spend their free time cross stitching samplers and memorizing the classics. Some day those samplers of passages from the Kama Sutra will be worth big bucks and memorizing Lady Bovary’s Lover will pay off big time. Those kids are going to rawk at Sexual Trivia.

Or did the kids lie to her about the wild, wild sex parties they attend every weekend and try to impress her with their wide and varied knowledge of sexual practices? I think it would be fun to scare Katie Couric on national TV. I am assuming that it was all very raw and uncensored; it was on during the naughty time of the evening. I’m sure the FCC heard from lots of concerned 45 year old virgins with three kids this morning, shocked! Shocked! That little 15 year old boys and girls were bullied into discussing such sordid topics by that librul media harlot!

Instead of watching Katie blush all night, I gave myself a project find reason to stay upstairs in the warm. I went through old pictures. Lots and lots of old pictures. I still have a lot to go through; I may find what I’m looking for yet. I had to stop after awhile because I was getting a crick in my neck and Dogger was whimpering and feeling sorry for herself because she was stuck in her warm and dry crate with lots of fresh water and toys. She was alone and I was a big mean dog abuser because I was busy doing something with out her. I went to be with her and she ignored me for three hours while she played with her toys. She could have played with them in her crate but they are much more fun to play with when she brings them three feet from her crate so she can be busy doing something with out me.

The promised impending doom hasn’t surfaced yet. It’s still sunny and nice enough outside. It got colder but not so that you would notice, in fact I while I was walking Dogger last night, I was over dressed in a sweater and winter coat. Dogger was panting. They are still saying it’s going to get cold, but they keep backing away from predicting solids falling from the sky. I see a weekend of cold rain and grayness. To get myself into the cold and gray mood I went to Blockbuster to see if they had Scotland PA. I heard it was good; its Macbeth set in a diner in Scotland, PA. It has Maura Tierney in it and I always like a good Shakespeare adapatation. Blockbuster didn’t have it, I was shocked. Blockbuster didn’t have a years old indy? Color me surprised. Not. Blockbuster doesn’t have a good selection of catalogue films, much less a years old indy. That has always been their problem, too deep on shallow titles and too shallow on titles with depth. Art Films are not a big Blockbuster category. Blockbuster thinks Pulp Fiction is an art film.

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