Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Blogging, Blogging, Blogging

I got some good news. My boss got a different job, that's old news, I got that news weeks ago, that is not the good news. I like my boss and am comfortable with her in her current position. She likes me, I like her, we get along, all those positive work place things. If I need to take off early on a Friday, she's fine with it. She doesn't ask much of me but when she does I do whatever it is right now. We have a good working relationship.

Well, she wanted more out of life and when a position opened up in the building she jumped on it. Okay. That leaves her position open. I didn't bother applying because I'm not qualified for it, not a biggy. Eventually they opened her position and put it in the state help wanted board. They got bites. One of the bites was from a woman who worked in this office before under my boss. I hated her then. I hated her because she made it clear that I was lower then a snakes belly as far she was concerned and made no secret that she had zero respect for me. Time passes, she leaves suddenly for another job; I mean she emailed my boss from a training thing out of state to say she was out of here, suddenly. She showed so much professionalism, I was sure they wouldn't take her back for a job in housekeeping. I celebrate. They hired her for my boss's old job. I mourn.

So. The good news is: New Boss isn't starting today! Which is what I had been told. She doesn't start until next week. Whew, that gives me a whole second week to scour the state job board and run off applications and print envelopes. So far I've applied for five positions with the state. I would be looking outside, but I have vacation and seniority built up and I don't want to start all over again somewhere else. I've never done a job search while I was all ready employed. I hate to job search. I'll stay and have stayed in jobs that I hated. At my last job it got so bad I had a little sign on my desk that said "Yet" in the I have not killed any one, I have not lost my mind, Yet way. It was a bad place and I was very unhappy there but I wasn't looking to get out because I fear change and embrace the familure. When the job disappeared I spent the two weeks notice they gave me in an advanced state of shock. I spent the time wondering how this happened and trying to get my mind around the idea that I wasn't going to work there anymore. That I didn't have to come back to that place anymore. It took a few weeks after it ended to really sink in and by that time I had decised to move to NC anyway.

When I got the word that New Boss was on her way, I told my boss and my bosses boss that the new boss didn't like me before and she never went out of her way to be nice to me when we were equals and I made it clear that hiring her as my boss was a major bummer for me and it was upsetting. They both said "Pish tosh!". Yeah, they were always her superiors and she wasn't anything but sweet to them, they never saw her being a bitch. While we're bith still here, my new middle name is going to be DOCUMENTATION!

I even told my current boss about the time new boss refused to help me because I was "lazy". My boss said she talk to her about it and as a result New Boss didn't speak to me for two years it was tense. But better than when she was speaking to me. This is the person I want as my supervisor - She who made more personal phone calls then a dorm full of college kids!, took longer lunches then I do and spent even more time playing with the computer then I could ever hope to and theh called me lazy. I just can't wait for her to start next week. I guess it is better then starting today.

So. Job Search 2005!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now i`ll read your rss