Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Bushit now all about no under the table payments!

Yea! The Admin had such success with mercenary journalists moving ahead its agenda for it on the domestic front, that The White House is now thinking about moving its agenda forward its international fronts with real mercenaries! and no more under the table payments to armed thugs for this admin, no sir! According to the New York Times and from The Raw Story

"The new law authorizes the secretary of defense to spend as much as $25 million a year through 2007 "to provide support to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups or individuals" who help Special Operations missions to combat terrorism. It also specifies that Congress is not providing authorization for the Pentagon to conduct covert action, which has traditionally been undertaken by the C.I.A. and requires explicit presidential authority."

Yeah. Right. This is going to get ugly. Bushit installed his favorite yes man at the CIA, The Pentagon is planning a war in Iran and Rumsfeld has his own private army, Gonzales is a lock for A.G... Ugly, Ugly, Ugly. Think of all the fun little wars he can get into now! Zowee!

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