Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ladies who lunch

We would like to invite you to lunch at Mac Gregor Downs Country Club on Wednesday, April 27 to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day. Reservations have been scheduled for 11:45 am.

I feel the administrative professionalism coursing through me. The Country Club dinning room was full of female secretaries and their mostly male bosses – because we all know that men aren’t Administrative Professionals, It’s Secretaries Day! Today is the day Mr. Bossman takes the "girls" out to the Club for Lunch and then watches his watch until they finish and he can go back to the office and pretend to be working and play more online poker while their “Administrative Professionals” go back to the office and actually do the work - Administrative Professionals work at work. We never shop online or take personal calls or use the office copy machine to our run copies for personal use, that would not be Administratively Professional.

We don’t have any male APs in the office, well, we do but, he’s a temp (last years male temp did not go with us) and white boy showed up with corn rolls the other day and he has not been on a cruise. He deserves to get a coffee mug/ flower pot for looking so silly in public. What do guys normally get on Secretaries day? Do their bosses hire strippers for them and then take them to lunch at Hooters?

Everyone in the dinning room looked so comfortable and at ease and so happy to be spending even more time together! There is nothing like a forced lunch with the boss to make you feel all appreciated.

Most of the boss level people were kind enough to eat at a table together and let the rest of us rabble eat in peace. There were a couple of hold outs who insisted on eating with us “Administrative Professionals” but I think they were atoning for some Management Level sins – maybe they answered their own phone or figured out how to put paper in the fax machine or sorted their own mail one to many times and they felt like they were “down with us” or whatever.

I didn’t think the Management people really needed to be there. I wanted the surveyors to be the ones having to “appreciate “us. They are the one’s who cause all of my head aches and make me grind my teeth at night, it is them who go to my boss and cause her to cause my headaches. Right now there is one surveyor in particular I really want to come back into the office because she owns me some big appreciation. Thanks to her, one of my cabinets broke and now I can’t use it anymore. If I hadn’t been desperately trying to find the file I think now, that she has, I would not have been having to be as forceful with the cabinet and it would not have broken. She has a file and I need and it and that file is not filed back where it should be because she has it. She had better have it.

What else? What did ya’ll get for Administrative Professionals Day? I got a really nice pen and some magnetized note paper. I’m pretty happy with them. I can not kill a nice pen and I bet the note paper will last longer then the potted plants I got last year and the year before, and it won’t fall out of its pot and spill dirt all over my floor either. So Yay for the pen and paper products.

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