Friday, May 6, 2005

Is this how "it" starts?

In a speech earlier this week Dick Cheney describes democrats as "The Other Faith" and a Babist Church in North Carolina (!!!) kicked out its Democrats. Fellow NCers, damn! it happened in Waynesville?! why wasn't this in the paper? on the news? go here to see what we can do about this travesty.

What "other faith"? is he trying to say all democrats "play for the other team"? or that we don't "go to the same church"? I've heard those phrases before and I know what they mean.

He could not possibly mean that Democrats are the people who don't worship George W. Bush or at the alter of the RNC? I remember this thing about "thou shalt not worship false idols" and "thou shalt have no other Gods before me", what happened to those? do they not count any more?

Did Cheney start up some new faith and not tell the rest of us? I am so confused. If so, I would like to ask those people to please call themselves "Bush Khristians" to better delineate them from the rest of us just plain Christians.

from Atrios and The Daily Kos

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