Thursday, June 23, 2005


It looks as though the College Rethuglians might want to rethink their anti-enlistment stance. Mr. Recruiter Man is going to find them, one way or another. Isn't it better for you to enlist before you get drafted?

Pentagon Wants Student Names

The Pentagon has quietly announced plans to create a database with the names of every college student and of many high school students as well. The database would include for each student, if available, a name, date of birth, gender, address, Social Security number, e-mail address, ethnicity, telephone number, grade point average, education level, name of college attending, and any relevant information about expressions of interest in enlisting in the military. According to the announcement, the purpose of the database is to help in military recruiting efforts.

Full story Here

Last night I emailed all the little rethuglian groups. The College rethuglican, The Young Rethuglicans, even the Teen Rethuglicans, as well asThe Young Americans For Freedom. I asked why they don't have links up to the armed forces or if they are really closet libruls. It's very easy to link to the recruiters. It's as easy as this . So far, I'm linked to recruiters and they are not. Hmm. Who is the librul commie panty waist now?

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