Wednesday, November 16, 2005

That is what I call service

I had to call 911. Not for me, no one I know. I went to the grocery and while I was waiting at a light I saw some guy come up to the car in front of me. I thought they were just talking and at first I was like "Dayum! Visit on your own time asshole! Move the &@#$ on!". The guy in the street was propelled away from the car pretty fast and the guy in the car said something to him and the now, obliviously, panhandler moved on. I got a closer look at the panhandler, he was older and standing in the middle of the street in his socks and he appeared to be,as we say in the biz, to be "Altered" . It was dark and colder weather was on the way. I said to myself if the old guy was still there when I back from the store I would call 911 on him, up close he was too old to be out there, and besides panhandling is againts the law.

He was still there on my way back.

I got home and called 911. And waited and waited and waited for the phone to get picked up. 7 rings later - Thank God I wasn't bleeding to death or panicking or was really in need of help - I told the operator why I was calling and he asked for a description of the panhandler

Me - Old guy. African American.

Op- What was he wearing?

Me - Dark pants, light shirt, white socks, he was carrying a red plastic cup with change in it. He was acting kind of altered.

Op - ( repeated it back to me)

Me - Okay.

Op - Could you repeat it back to me?

I did. But I was thinking What? I don't know what brand of tee shirt he was wearing, who made his pants? his socks were dirty but and he may have had a shoe on one foot but it may have been a dirtier sock. Its not like I asked for his name or anything. I mean, even in my neighborhood there aren't that many panhandlers, it's not like they are going to have their choice of elderly panhandlers to pick from.

The operator said they'd send a car out. I hope they did fast, it started to rain really hard after I called and there's a front coming.

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