TGIF. Finally. Well, not as finally as last week when I swear there was eleven days between Monday and Friday, and half of them Mondays! but finally, non-the less even with significantly fewer Mondays in the mix. Friday.
The paper was on the porch again this morning. That wasn't among my demands, but I’m glad they are seeing fit to make sure they aren't giving me any reason to call them. The Good neighbor’s paper is supposed to be thrown on their porch and I think one of the other houses too, so I have no problem taking a ride on their wake if it means no more digging through my shrubs trying to find my paper.
And it’s cold again. It was nice and warm, hot for a bit there, but those days are past. My office is cold too. Half the building is sweltering and half is frozen. They can’t get it straightened out or balanced or whatever they would have to do to make it bearable and they aren’t going to anything; with as old as the building is and as low bid as the maintenance is, we should be happy they bother coming out here to beat on the pipes at all. We have been told that sometime in the fall we are going to be moved to another building on campus that is being remodeled for us so the chances of getting them to do any work on this place is wishful thinking. Our "new" building is a lovely building and I hope they don’t remodel it into this one. The other building still had a real kitchen and all the old tile work. It was really pretty. They “office” doors over there are still heavy metal doors from back when the rooms were used as patient rooms and I could see that as being a turn off, this building as cells too but they took the doors off a long time ago.
I made myself a little late to work today. I pass by Moore Square every day on my way to work and every morning for the last week I have been watching this tree go into flower. It is beautiful and every morning I say to myself that I really should try to remember to bring my camera one of these day and take a picture of it. Of course, I think about it at 6:50 in the morning and my 7:50 I have forgotten all about it and I don’t think about it again until the next time I go past Moore Square and the more times that happens the more green the tree gets and the less point to taking its picture, I don’t know what kind of tree it is but it has lovely blooms and it is the only one like it at the park.
I decided to not forget about it and this morning on my way to work I took this

Yesturday, I had to drop something in the mail after work and I saw these, unlike Moore Square, there are lots of them on campus. I did something today I haven't done since October - I hung around after work! for months I've been sprinting home to walk Dogger before dark and now I can finally stop and smell the flowers

Today I’m having Bonus Friday Cat Blogging!

That is Smokey, our building kitty. He is a wee thing, just itty, but he’s full grown and close to, we think, eight years old. That is very old for a feral. I know he’s slowing down because he lets us pet him now and for years he wouldn’t even let anyone get near him. He’s mellowing out.
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