Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mean People Suck

I was sitting here minding my own business, mulling over this weeks cat blogging choices and I hear sirens outside. I hear sirens all the time, but this time there were a lot of sirens and a car went chugging up my street honking his horn over and over. Asshole, I thought. Then I hear the sound of a cop radio. Bad Guy Asshole, I thought. I have learned that its not "Ask not for who the bell tolls", in real life it's "Ask not for who the police radio squawks for - if you can hear it - it squawks for thee".

I looked out the front window and there was the cop car. In front of the drug dealers house. Fan-tastic I thought. I put Doggers leash on and we went outside to investigate. Most of the cop cars were at the end of the street. Three clumped together and the one sitting in front of the Drug Dealers house. The nice neighbors were just getting in, they had watched the car driving up the street honking. We agreed it was a signal. We assured each other that we were all fine and the cops were not there on our accounts.

We think that maybe that one of the gas stations may have been robbed or thought they were being robbed or were trying to not get robbed. I've seen gaggles of cop cars down there from time to time and I never hear about robberies. Not that they would bother to alert the neighbors, I heard from my soon to be moving Dog Guru that there had been a number of daytime robberies up and down his street - Why isn't that kind of thing brought to the neighborhoods attention? Why do I have to know every lurid detail about some (sadly, tragically) dead White Woman from another part of town but I hear not one word about robberies in my neighborhood? I guess dead white girls are more newsworthy then any number of robbed black people.

All the cop cars are gone now, maybe it was a false alarm.


Anonymous said...

So you're saying that a black person losing a bit of cash is worse than a white person losing their life.

Also in most black neighborhoods with a white population of about 5%, around 10% of robbery victims are white. And this includes places like Detroit where white people statistically make less money on average.

Educate yourself. Its about class and not race. I'll bet you there's a lot more white people living in your neighborhood then you think. And I'll bet you if one of them got killed there wouldn't be all this media coverage.

Unknown said...

Robberies can be prevented with publicity. Dead ladies are a story all ready told. Honestly, I really do have more interest in people of any race being violated in my neighborhood than someone else of any race somewhere else suffering the same thing.

Educate yourself, racist.