Sunday, December 10, 2006

Did List

I'm so glad to be back at work! Here, I can at least sit down and relax.

Remember my vaunted to-do list? I did. Boy did I ever. The list on Friday:

1. Decorate House
- decorations from attic
- lights from attic
- remove tree from attic
- disperse all of the above

2. Finish putting up exterior lights

3.Deal with Christmas card situation
- sign cards
- address cards
- stamp cards
- mail cards

4. wrap gifts/prep two for mailing

- mail gifts (Monday at lunch)
5. bath Dogger
6. Do laundry
- Doggers' laundry
- put away laundry from last week and the left overs from the week before.
7. Clean house

Well. I got most of it done, All of that and I was able to go check out Fayetteville Street too

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