Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Behind the scenes

After Alphagal reached out and hooked up my DVD, I watched. Oh, a lot of Greg the Bunny. A lot. All of GTB.

I just don’t understand why a sitcom on FAUX about puerile, drunken puppets and the humans who co-star with them (Seth Green, Eugene Levy, that obnoxious girl who I used to think was funny but then she got way over-exposed – Sarah “I Date Well” Silverman) - ended up running only 13 episodes? The real question would be how did this get 13 episodes on a network at all much less green lighted to begin with? I mean, really. It made Action look relevant.

GTB was really fun though. Seth Green and Eugene Levy must have spent their lunch hours thinking up ways to kill their respective agents. I mean, it must have been fun, in a “Wow, I had no idea Sesame Street was so hard to produce, no wonder they have 237 Emmy’s” way, but I can’t imagine how GTB was pitched to anybody involved but I’m thinking it involved blackmail. I’m glad they capitulated though; you can’t go wrong with angry, drunken, sexually promiscuous puppets. After watching hours of GTB, I think I can say it was better when Greg still had button eyes.

Netflix finally noticed that Amazon released Grosse Point into the wild. I had been shopping for it because I thought Netflix wasn’t going to admit Amazons product was out there. Grosse Point didn’t last long , I think the average WB viewer wasn’t up to it as there were very few crotch shots or boobs and it wasn’t about vampires or space aliens or the travails of dating vampires or space aliens. it failed because it's audience wasn't old enough to remember Beverly Hills 9012457, much less care about what it was like behind the scenes.

If you are keeping score, I am the audience that they make all the wildly unsuccessful behind the scenes series that they insist on making. Me, I am the one who watches them - Action, Greg the Bunny, Grosse Point. Studio 60, it is all about me. I also watch 30 Rock but that seems mildly successful and therefore out of the running.

With all the Christmas stuff down, the house is so bare and dark. I really liked being able to see my house on Google Space, it was fun. Kitty is even bored. There are no fragile, precariously placed Santa’s for him to play Russian (Blue) roulette with. It was his hobby that along with playing “Which leap to the window frame will knock over the tree?”. ´I could see his little mind working: How can I best learn to tell the breakable ornaments from the non-breakable ornaments?. He would spend his time sitting on the ottoman planning things, sure he looked really cute, but that was part of his cunning plan. In reality he was sitting there thinking ”What if I try just to leap just a leetle to the right? Is that going to do anything or will I end up eating window? Can I get to the top of the TV? Will that change my trajectory? If a fake tree falls in the living room and there are no bipeds to hear it, does it make a sound?”

He’s feeling really bereft since I took everything down. Poor kitty. I mean, he has like no life now, no purpose, nothing to prevent him from sleeping 22 hours a day…

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