Wednesday, March 28, 2007


They may have fixed my work computer. Or not. They keep saying they have fixed my computer but it doesn’t stay that way. Once upon a time it would do this one task. It was very good at the task and did it happily. Then, one day it decided it didn’t want to do the task anymore and began to spew error message after error message after error message at me. I tried to offer it milk of mag but it didn’t want any. Computers are very picky about their OTC medications. So I called the TI person and she came and did whatever it is IT people do and then she conferenced with other TI people and they all proclaimed it fixed and then two days later it was unfixed again. So far there have been no fewer than four teleconferences about this. I believe it’s going to get written up in some IT journal. My fear is they’ll send some IT equivalent of House in to deal with it and they’ll have to kill my machine to save it.

Whatever. If it doesn’t get fixed that just means there is one less task for me to perform. I’m good with it. I would be totally willing to let it go and move on but our IT person isn’t as willing to do that and neither is my boss - and so IT keeps coming back with new things to do to the machine. A new driver, and new pathway, removing and restoring programs – all kinds of stuff.

Anyway. What a difference a day makes, yesterday if she had fallen out of the sky to play with my machine I would have strafed her with mortar fire on the way down. I was not feeling it. I was cold, behind on my work and beset by morons. All day.

I came home, changed clothes and hid under a blanket. I was really mean to Dogger. I put out her outside and just left her there until I felt like going and getting her. She was trapped in the yard by herself for over and hour! In her halter! She was waiting to go to the park – which, in my defense I never told her we were going to, but nothing says “Dog Park” to Dogger like her halter. I would have taken her but I was cold and the blanket was warm and the Kitty was on the blanket.

Dogger gave me a dirty look when I roused myself and brought her in to eat. She knew I was too lazy to take her anywhere, she always knows. I should have just stuck her in the yard in just her collar, that way she would know there wasn’t anything in the offing. She wasn’t going in the car, no walk no nothing. Just a nice warm day to wander around the backyard. How she suffers.

I felt so crummy that I made Mac and cheese and tuna for dinner.

I also had to face an entire evening devoid of 10 year old sitcom reruns! Hateful Netflix. I was forced to watch a CSI-Miami rerun! I mean, really! I wonder if the other CSI’s pretend they don’t know them? I haven’t watched it in a while, since I started watching Studio 60, which is most likely canceled sob!. I was kind of half heartedly taping Miami, but after I didn’t bother watching any of them, I stopped taping.

I think I would now say that Miami is almost as funny as any sitcom on TV – funnier then anything on CBS and a lot funnier than what passes for comedy on the netlets . Who would have thought that David Caruso was such a comedian? I dare you to watch any given episode and not bust out laughing at least once before the opening credits roll.


Cat said...

Sorry you had a grumpy day. I hope you feel better today. IT people can make you feel like you're a caveman banging on your computer with a club, when all you did was try to get some work done.

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