Monday, June 25, 2007

Sleeping on it

I didn’t know how much the reunion last weekend and the move this week had taken out of me until I roused myself Friday night. I started out with the idea that I would bring Dogger upstairs and treat her with some time spent on the bed with me. I would read my book while she looked on adoringly. Dogger normally is never allowed on the bed or upstairs for that matter. I thought that I would read my book and Dogger and I would enjoy some togetherness.

Kitty was pissed. As it turns out, Dogger also expressed a preference for the lower left quadrant of the bed, well, she’s so large that she also expressed a preference for the lower right and center quadrants as well. She was just happy to be there. Kitty sat on his tree and muttered to himself She can just try to come up here. Big stupid dog. She wouldn’t last a minute up here on Mount Kittymajaro . THE DOG I S IN MY PLACE! It’s not FAIR. I bet the bed is going to break now. How much is that bed supposed to take? I bet it’s going to wobble now. It’ll never be the same again. I hate the dog!

Dogger for her part was all I’m on the bed! I’m on the bed! I’m on the bed! Am I supposed to be on the bed? Is this all right? I’m on a bed but it’s not my bed . Mama’s on the bed. I’m on Mama’s bed! I’m on Mama’s bed! I’m on Mama’s bed!

And then she fell asleep.

And I fell asleep.

I woke up because the over head light was on and I was hot and my mouth tasted like old sock. I got up and turned on the A/C and turned off the light and went back on the still made bed. All this woke up the dog, but kind Dogger that she is, she panted me back to sleep. Her panting made the bed rock ever so slightly and it lulled me back to sleep.

I woke up again a while later because now I was cold and my mouth now tasted like a really old sock. I decided that Dogger needed to go to her own bed and I wanted to not sleep in my clothes. I was sure it must be really, really late - two, three ay-em at least, it was 11:30 PM.

Dogger seemed relieved to be in her own bed, but no more so than The Kitty. I turned on the alarm, finally brushed my teeth and went back to bed, again.

I slept until 10:30am . I didn’t do much on Saturday. Late in the day I finally went and put gas in the car and Dogger and I went on a hike with Broskey, Alphagal and Tiny E. I of course, brought my camera.

Earlier, on my way back from getting gas, I went by campus and took this picture of my new building.

I affectionately call the yard “Future Parking Lot” as by Tuesday there will be a 100 people duking it out over 36 available parking slots.


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