Friday, September 14, 2007


I don’t know what you’re going to be doing this weekend, but I am going to be admiring my new washing machine! And after that I’m going to do laundry! .

I think tonight I’m going to tidy the basement so the delivery guy knows that all his hard work lugging the machine through the back yard and down a flight of steps is for a good cause. I mean, I’m not going to go crazy or anything, but I’m definitely going to man up and evict the enormous spider and its web currently blocking the basement door and I’ll even get rid of the dead bug bodies on the basement floor and if I remember in time, I’ll even take down lasts week laundry. I’m pretty sure those tee shirts are dry by now.

Dogger and I had a very successful park day too. Wednesday there was a stressed out little Jack Russell mix there and it really messed with the park vibe. It just barked a lot and was given to snarling without much provocation and... And if Dogger is in a mood, she gets dissed very easily. She can be more easily offended then your average street thug and it wouldn’t even have to be the little dog, it just takes one dog with an attitude problem to make all the other dogs think that they can let their inner Jack Russell mix out too.

This was a very vicious little dog. I thought whatever it was mixed with was pure D evol but I found out that a couple years ago it had gotten into a pasture and it got kicked in the head by a horse and hadn’t been the same since. I felt bad for calling it evol. I mean, who knows what it thought was going on when it met Dogger at the gate and snarled at her through the fence. Maybe it was having a flash back, Dogger is very tall.

The nicer part of met decided that the little dog was probably really hurt when Dogger turned tail and hid behind me. The little dog probably thought he was giving a friendly greeting to the big dog and was really hoping she could be his friend. His big buddy. Sadly, all Dogger heard was snarl salad. I kept Dogger close to me while were there because the little brain damaged dog kept picking fights kind of indiscriminately and I didn’t want to have to remove the little thing from her head. Dogger would totally have worn it as a hat

Later on, after we left the park and post dinner, Dogger and I took a walk just so we could visit our kitties. It was good for both of us. They are just so damn cute.

Thursday night at the park was much more successful running and playing-wise and Dogger had a better, more active time. We left a little early so that after dinner we would still have daylight to go see our kitties. I even brought my camera, but we were there too early. The kitties were still where ever they are when they aren’t out playing. Maybe it was nap time or they could have been out front with the other cats, it was hard to tell. They’re just so teeny and easily camouflaged by other cats or leaves or tall grass.... and I feel really weird about prowling around a strangers house. Sigh. Dogger did get some nice attention from a little girl on our way to visit the kitties and that made both of them, the little girl and the great big Dogger, very happy.

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