Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Front Page Mass

I almost went to this Mass. I had a lot to do around the house on Sunday and I thought if I worked through noon Mass I could go to this one instead. I'm so glad I didn't. I hadn't thought about covering my head, all the women are wearing their shame Mantillas! I knew they were going to do the Mass in Latin, I didn't realize they were also going to do the mass in 1961.

Front page of the paper! Above the fold! Isn't there a war going on?

The woman and girls veiled in the picture were all young, clearly born into a Church were they were not obligated to veil themselves. Where did those women get those mantillas anyway? I've been to a Catholic bookstore now and again over the years and I don't remember seeing them sold. Books about the evils of protestantism and failings of communism, Rosaries for giants, clocks illustrated with faces of popes throughout the years... but Google showed me the light. A search pulled up Chapel Veils and the women who wear them, and then blog all about it.

One of the veiled bloggers wears hers to Latin Rite masses she attends ( how and where? these just got okayed again, so I'm thinking break away Catholics or as the rest of us call them "heretics") at her school but not the regular weekly masses she also attends. She says it would make the other students mad or even open her up to attack! I have seen veiled women in Church and I don't believe I have ever had to fight the urge to beat them. There is a certain hint of martyrdom to the veiled women.

Who wants to attack these pure, modest, pious women? The Feminists! In 1968 NOW told us to stop wearing our veils! "Those feminazi's forced the veils from our heads and tore them from our hands!". Michelle Malkin thinks they are groovy too, but she thinks burkas are a great way to get out of shaving your legs too.

One of the veiled women reprinted some material that came with her new Chapel Veil

Because the wearing of a head covering by women at religious services is a symbol of subjection within many churches, NOW recommends that all chapters undertake an effort to have all women participate in a 'national unveiling' by sending their head coverings to the task force chairman. At the Spring meeting of the task force of women and religion, these veils will be publicly burned to protest the second class status of women in all churches. (Dec. 1968)

Well. Yeah. And Um, Nope. I want to see a real reason that the vast majority of Catholic women put their veils away and it was not because NOW told them too. There was something else. Oh, that's right Vatican II! A canon lawyer chimes in . Short version, we aren't and weren't required to wear them, true there are scriptural references to women covering their hair but not in reference to covering their hair at Mass.

Oh, and I also learned that the Liberals are to blame for our modern, uncovered hair. Liberals are also very anti-Catholic and The Veiled women are not liberals. Not even kind of. It's kind of a thing with them.

I have gone to a Latin Mass before, I thought. What I went to was the Modern Mass said in Latin, not this museum piece. Today, you will periodically , say every fifteen years or so, see a woman with her head covered in church. She is 102 years old or twenty-seven and either on her way to the convent or living in a strange retro place. It's fine to veil if she wants to, but if she had to do it every mass, every week, she would pin a kleenex on her head and pray for a short homily.

I don't get it and I don't want to wear one.


Anonymous said...

Don't laugh, we really DID put Kleenex on our heads.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been reading some of the many blogs about covering your head in church and I cant believe the anger in some of comments.I went to catholic school and you were not allowed in the church without your chapel cap.We were given a hanky or tissue or didnt go in.I still wear a veil out of respect,obdience and humility as I was taught in 1964 at the age of seven.I will say I am the only one wearing a veil.Even women older than me wear hats because they dont want to be stared at questioned or ridiculed.That is what confuses me the most.When I go to Mass I hear the whispers I am questioned by the women unveiled and being told of the cannon law of 1983 saying we dont have to wear veils anymore.I have been shy all my life.But when I am being told to follow those who say they are catholic but just dont want to stand out or be ridiculed I dont bother anymore to tell them that just because it was not mentioned in 83 doesnt mean it has changed.I Finally had enough and called the priest over and kindly asked him if women were supposed to cover their heads.He said yes they are but over time it was something that women took upon themselves. They followed the (new law) rumor.Since then the women are nasty.But I wont follow what others do,I never have.Why they are looking around while in church is another mystery to me.I can honestly say when I go to church it is not for a review of the latest fashions.I dont care if women cover their heads or not.I dont look around to see whose there.I wear my veil out of respect and feel good when I put it on.I feel good when I come out of church.I am catholic and realize the old love thy neighbor thing but people are nasty and just because they go to Mass doesnt change them sadly to say.I am not a fanatic or expect people to do as I do.My husband doesnt go.But it is the one thing in life that makes me feel at peace and he respects that.So the others can stare,laugh and whisper.They wont have to answer to me. Thanks and good luck to all in whatever you choose to do.Just do it for yourselves and not because of what others do!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been reading some of the many blogs about covering your head in church and I cant believe the anger in some of comments.I went to catholic school and you were not allowed in the church without your chapel cap.We were given a hanky or tissue or didnt go in.I still wear a veil out of respect,obdience and humility as I was taught in 1964 at the age of seven.I will say I am the only one wearing a veil.Even women older than me wear hats because they dont want to be stared at questioned or ridiculed.That is what confuses me the most.When I go to Mass I hear the whispers I am questioned by the women unveiled and being told of the cannon law of 1983 saying we dont have to wear veils anymore.I have been shy all my life.But when I am being told to follow those who say they are catholic but just dont want to stand out or be ridiculed I dont bother anymore to tell them that just because it was not mentioned in 83 doesnt mean it has changed.I Finally had enough and called the priest over and kindly asked him if women were supposed to cover their heads.He said yes they are but over time it was something that women took upon themselves. They followed the (new law) rumor.Since then the women are nasty.But I wont follow what others do,I never have.Why they are looking around while in church is another mystery to me.I can honestly say when I go to church it is not for a review of the latest fashions.I dont care if women cover their heads or not.I dont look around to see whose there.I wear my veil out of respect and feel good when I put it on.I feel good when I come out of church.I am catholic and realize the old love thy neighbor thing but people are nasty and just because they go to Mass doesnt change them sadly to say.I am not a fanatic or expect people to do as I do.My husband doesnt go.But it is the one thing in life that makes me feel at peace and he respects that.So the others can stare,laugh and whisper.They wont have to answer to me. Thanks and good luck to all in whatever you choose to do.Just do it for yourselves and not because of what others do!!

Unknown said...

And that is most certainly your rite.

Anonymous said...

many other christians cover now not just catholics..