For the rest of Daisy's life she will take two and sometimes three pills a day. Forever. For the rest of her life. Her long life. Pardon my scrambled metaphors but after turning over many rocks and kissing many expensive worms I found the golden ticket AKA Gods Own Pharmacy, AKA Tiffany's Natural Pharmacy. I can keep my dog and pay my mortgage. God's Own Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy, this means that they take the eight pills a day that Dogger would need and turn it into two.
The cheapest Florinef I was able to find online was 300 pills for $92, Dogger would go through 240 pills a month, every month, forever. God's Own Pharmacy , Tiffany's Natural Pharmacy, charges a third of that.
If you ever have any compounding pharmacy needs, use Tiffany's Natural Pharmacy or as I will always know it, God's Own Pharmacy, the people who saved Doggers life and my sanity.

Hi Diana, I read on Cat's blog about your dog being diagnosed with Addison's disease...sorry to hear about that, I guess on the upside (and I'm sure you know this...) this is a VERY treatable disease. Anyway, I read your post about Florinef and the cost, etc (yikes, pets are expensive!), and just thought I'd ask if your vet also talked to you about DOCP, and injectable medication (brand name Percorten-V). This treatment is given approximately every 25 days. I don't know the cost of the DOCP, I just know that as a student and even now, that's usually what we recommend to owners of dogs that have Addison's. Most dogs will still need prednisone every day, or at least during times of stress (car trips, boarding, etc) but the injections are pretty easy, and do control this disease very well...just a thought, let me know if you have questions/comments about it :)
Katrin Saile
My vet quoted me $270 for those shots. I spoke with someone at the park who said he pays $110, but it's still too much for the long haul. It's expensive because it's hard to manufacture . It was the only treatment for Addison's until the pills came along and the shots were dropped, now it is only produced for the canine addison's market.
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