Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday Photo-Blogging!

Friday night the cats were out on my parents deck. It was getting dark and we brought them in. A little while later I saw that my parents' cat was playing with something. I don't like "somethings". Is a baby rat thing? is it a bug thing? is it a big bug thing? or is it just a dead leaf thing? A dead bug thing can still elicit a fit, albeit a small one. I want to know what kind of thing it is so I can make adjustments to my screaming fit.

The thing turned out to be a tree frog. An alive tree frog.

Mild fit, no screaming. Threat level lowered to mild panic. However, tree frogs belong in trees. They do not belong inside, they really do not belong hopping on my head at 3 am. Mr. Alive Tree Frog needed to go.

Mr. Alive Tree frog did not want to go. Mr. Alive Tree Frog wanted to stay alive and he felt the best way to do this was to hide from the two cats, regardless of if there was a tree handy. For a time Mr. Alive Tree Frog was also working under Mr. Alive Fire Place Frog and Mr. Alive Under the Chair Frog.

My father went to great effort to wrangle/direct Mr. Alive Fireplace Frog out of the fireplace and back outside to his tree. And then we put the cats back out. And then Mr. Kitty came back into the house. Veryfast. Like like a shot really. Mr. Alive Tree Frog was now working under Mr. Alive Riding On The Cat Frog. For this race Mr. Kitty paid $.3.87, $4.56 and $6.92.

This time, I trapped Mr. Frog and my Mother removed him before he discovered that this tree had stairs. We also kept the cats inside, just in case.


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