Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vegetables and Dogger

There was a birthday party at work featuring tacos and I was able to supply the tomatoes! Yea! true, I supplied only the bare minimum of tomatoes and that was actually a melange of both varieties for the tacos, but there were tomatoes and they did get eaten. My tomatoes from my garden! Sigh, relevance at last.

I did not mention to the people eating my tomatoes that the little amount I had was worth it’s weight in gold and that they might as well be daubing truffles on their tacos, but I didn’t, I just said I grew those, those are mine.

The garden seems to be in waiting mode. I have nothing to harvest except for some of the tiny tomatoes and possibly the largest cucumber that I need to remember to go measure to see if it is at a length that is suitable for picking, according to my book they should be harvested when they are between six and nine inches in length. The longest cuke is a mere seven inches I think I’ll let it gestate a little longer before I present it to Alphagal.

Those puppies grow fast! I had one cucumber perking along and then I had the second one put in an appearance and then out of nowhere the third one showed up and I have two more fetal cukes waiting in the wings.

This tells me that while something is out there pollinating those things that is choosing to not pollinate my squash, another road block to squash husbandry is that my squash plants just do not produce female flowers - There is an official name for this, and usually they will sell you at least one plant of the other gender so that you can get some vegetables but oddly, I got twelve boy plants in two different squash varieties. This is how I’m couching my non-skill in squash farming. Its not me, its them

It’s all kind of moot for mine at this point as I pulled two more of the nutrient sucking beasts out of the ground to give the working plants a bigger piece of the air-and-water pie. The peppers seem to be busy doing something, it’s not entirely clear but they seem very busy  at it as do the eggplants. The larger tomatoes seem to be using their time to gestate; Which I totally approve of as these tomatoes are larger than the specimens that ripened earlier on that were sized more like “David” tomatoes than the advertised “Goliath”.

And how is Dogger? Dogger had a very good Tuesday and Wednesday and in fact, I’m thinking she might need a little more enforced downtime because I think she may not be taking it as slow and carefully as a dog on heavy pain killers and a blown knee should. I’m like, Hon! You’re drugged to the gills, sit back, watch your hand for a minute, listen to colors for a while... But I’m glad, its signs of life. I spoke with my regular vet today and she didn’t embrace Conservative Management as closely as I do. She brought up the Addison's specter and how the knee and everything that goes with it is taxing a system that does not need any further. I countered with that with 20/20 hindsight, it was clear that the knee had been taxing her for a while and I took her in to be examined because she was acting oddly four days prior to the accident and her lytes were perfect. She said Dogger is only acting like she is to please me and she gave me the impression that I am being selfish. She wants me to call her in a week and give her a report.


Anonymous said...

*virtual pats for Dogger*

Unknown said...

Dogger sends out fuzzy nose nuzzles.

Cat said...

WTF?? So the vet thinks you should put her down? That seems weird.

Unknown said...

I think she wants me to do the surgery.

Anonymous said...

Huh! She gonna pay for it???