Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Garden Watch 2008

Well. I had to terminate a couple of my tomatoes today. I know it happens in the best of families but it is always a disappointing development -  Blossom End Rot. I should have known, the two offending fruits didn't look as much like the other developing tomatoes, like smaller, greener versions of the adult selves, these appeared to be pumpkins. Cute, little green pumpkins, but not at all like tomatoes. I should have known.

Cute, little green pumpkins with flat, black bottoms.

I wasn't going to say anything to them, I mean what do I know about tomatoes? I just thought that maybe it was some new tomato fad that was going around with the kids. I'm hopeing since they are all further away from the offending branch that spawned the BER  that the others will not be affected.

Despite my unhappy tomatoes, I do have some good cuke news. There had been a sad little baby cuke just sitting on the vine for a while, it wasn't doing much since the vine was also supporting three adult cukes and the plant didn't have much left over for its youngest. I harvested the three adult cukes and had given up on the non-maturing baby one and honestly, I was about thisclose to pinching off the misbegotten little cukey in hopes of forcing the vine to produce more - when I noticed it had changed, it was growing!!  It just hung there and did nothing for the longest time and now every time I go and visit the garden the little cuke that could  it has gotten a little longer and a little thicker. I am very proud of it. Now if the vine would just grow some more flowers and give little cuky some brothers and sisters I would be even more thrilled.

Speaking of thrilled!

And that is just the most senior! Every day when I go out to visit the garden in the morning before I leave for work there are new little pepper buttons waiting to greet me and what was buttons the day before have matured into something more spool sized . When they get big enough they flip themselves around and begin to look more like conventional peppers.

My friend the eggplant is also perking along after a long wait

And of course, the best producers of them all, the tiny tomatoes

Of course, mine are nothing like my Mothers tiny tomatoes that produce like bait fish. My parents get pints of tomatoes a day off of two plants! I haven't harvested a pint total from my single plant all season.

Edited to add: Cab thief shot by police the cab thief wasn't a Dix patient and it didn't happen where I had assumed it happened, i.e the out of the way spot I eat my lunch everyday and where I often see cabs parked eating their lunches.

1 comment:

Cat said...

I think the saddest thing about that shooting is that the cab driver was a senior at NCSU trying to make a living and finish school. I hope he finds another job quickly.