Friday, October 30, 2009

Suck it up.

The wasps are still here. They were supposed to be gone by now, frozen to death in their little waspy hideout. Instead they are wearing tiny little windbreakers and playing chase with Tiny. I am not loving this.

I come home everyday and great the little animals and then go scan the windows  and ceilings for wasps. If they have reached the ceiling they have all ready lived too long and they know about the vacuum and how to avoid it. Once they have reached the bumping against the ceiling stage they avoid flat surfaces and stillness. I hate the ceiling stage.

Because once they have reached the ceiling they can go anywhere. They can go upstairs they can explore the dining room and kitchen and they can start looking for vacation timeshares in the bathroom. A wasp that has lived long enough to have figured out the ceiling has the keys to the kingdom.

Gawd! And the weather is not co-operating. Its going to be warm for at the least the foreseeable future  and prolonged exposure to warm weather does not spell death for my little home invaders, it gives them the chance breed smarter, faster, more  potentially vacuum outsmarting generations. I need frost and possibly prolonged below freezing temperatures to fully eradicate the threat. And more cats. Tiny is a good at wasp perdition. I will need a squadron of feisty super hunters with mouth guards and paw protectors . I however do not  see ,Operation Cat Treat evolving past R&D  phase. Pity. Other arrangements will have to be made.

To that end, it will be November soon and November is traditionally a cold month. The temperature should drop like a rock within days and this endless, treasonous Indian Summer will be forced back along with ragged remains of last summers flip flops and  high concept comic book adaptations.  I am pinning my hopes to one thing : I go to the Christmas parade in the middle of November every year and end up with frost bite. So I am hopeful that this rein of terror will come to close soon.  I would gladly lose a finger tip to the cause! if  it meant that those little bastards died with it. In droves.

 I do not want to share quarters with the wasps until the middle of  November or perhaps even Gawd Forbid, beyond. The only  wasps I want  in my house would be the variety that  wear festive Christmas sweaters and come bearing hostest gifts and fruit cake.


Hate to Rain on Your Parade said...

It's supposed to be in the 80s tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I saw that. My joy knows no bounds.