Friday, February 12, 2010

Party Hearty

I have a to-do list for the weekend.

-Bath Dogger. Damn It
-Launder Doggers bedding. Damn it
-Replace Doggers bedding Damn it

Dogger has her twice yearly electrolyte test Saturday ayem and I want her to be clean for it. She hardly sees the folks from that office anymore ( Thank you Jesus!) and I don't want them to think she's a dirty dog or since I'm not in there every three days (Thank you Jesus!) that I'm a negligent dog person all of a sudden. She has a lot of friends there and they all want to pet on her and I don't want them to walk away with dirty dawg on their hands. It's embarrassing as a dog owner.

They would probably really like Baby Cat too but I don't want to start with them. I'm just going to take him to the SPCA for his rabies shots for as long as I can. He's healthy (knock wood, Thank You Jesus!) and I don't think he needs to see a real vet until there's a good reason- and then we won't go there, I love them and they have been really good to Dogger through all her illness' but they charge too much.  Thanks to Dogger and The Kitty and the nature of chronic illness, I made way too many of their mortgage payments over the years. 

She wouldn't be as gross and it wouldn't have gone on as long as it has but I'm not comfortable making her jump into the bath tub with her bad knees and she isn't happy about having to stand the whole time she's in the bath tub once there. In the summer its easier, I can bath her in the yard and I don't feel like I'm asking her to stress herself more than necessary because she's  offending my aesthetics.

You know what would be really cool? I wonder if I could train baby kitty into licking her into cleanliness. Baby Cat loves to lick, lick, lick and he might learn to enjoy lick, lick, licking Dogger? Maybe if I mix a little tuna juice into Doggers  conditioner? Maybe if I dress her as a giant nose! Then of course, Dogger would have to co-operate with this plan and she might not want to dress as a giant nose... It wouldn't be a fast or tidy process and I could see that she and Baby Cat might not totally embrace the plan. It might be a very long process. And Dogger might end up eating the cat.

The bath and laundry and bedding change is going to have to be Friday Night. I party so hardy. I am totally the Lindsey Lohan of the over 40 set. I should chill. Saturday, I'll take it easy, I'll just do my laundry. I hate the winter but its so nice to not have to also mow the yard. I do not love mowing the yard.

Oh! I'm very proud of me. I went through last weekends' coupons and found two I could actually use and then pulled another one out of my ass and then I went to the nice Kroger and bought only what I needed! Yay! I kept to my list and I didn't go off mission at all. And I could have to, the place was full of candy I really wanted. Do you have any idea how much better cheap chocolate is when it comes in a heart shaped box? Thank gawd for the after holiday sales.

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