Friday, April 30, 2010


I did not put air in my bike tires. I mowed my lawn instead but I have decided that  lawn mowing and riding to the post office are basically the same as far as burning calories go. I will file it under cross training.

I didn't want to run up and down my basement stairs to see if my bike pump was down there in case it wasn't and then I was down there for no reason and why would I do that? Have you met my basement? Its not on any tourist map. Speaking of tourists, if wandering around downtown Raleigh in a fanny pack with your mouth hanging open  is your idea of an exciting vacation experience, you need to go lay down.

Tourist in downtown Raleigh. Really. In Bermuda shorts and sturdy shoes like they were on a walking tour of European cathedrals. I could see maybe doing some sort of  Civil War tour or something but to be honest,  those folks were in the wrong part of the city to be checking out any of the Raleigh's' many, many civil war memorials. They were near a new thing for Raleigh, a bodega. They may have been taking pictures of it, it is after all Fan-Zac-Tic, perhaps they could go buy a 40 as a souvenir.

I am waiting for my fabric to arrive and my glasses to be ready and for Doggers pills to get here. I am waiting for a lot of things. I had been hopeing that my glasses would be magically ready early so that I could get them sooner rather than as scheduled but that has not happened. It never happens. Damn my prescription, people with little puny prescriptions probably get their glasses ahead of schedule all the time. Stupid not-very-blind people with their lamo window pane lenses prolly wearing glasses just to look smarter. Posers.

The fabric needs to arrive sooner rather than later too. I want to give the man his fabric and the chaise and let him get started, I also need to know how the chaise is going to get from Point A to Point B. he lives really close by but not close enough to heft it over there myself. I would imagine that a truck would be standard office equipment fir a furniture upholster - Provided there is no charge for this. I'll work out my own arrangements, like for the fabric he wanted to charge me $25 a yard for. Poppycock. It's all about Plan B.

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