Thursday, April 1, 2010

I work with stupid people, idiots and morons. I have to say that here because I've friended them on FB and they follow me on Twitter.  Stupid people, idiots and morons. In their defense, some of them are not stupid or idiotic or moronic. But most of them are, clinically, Morons.

We had a staff meeting today. I needed to vent.

The good news is our boss will be out of town Monday-Wednesday nest week. The bad news is she does not want to work over her vacation. The nerve! That means that my co-workers will spend the week not having every decision  second guessed and  for a few days they will be forced to be responsible for their own  work and their own decisions  They bitch about  the  second guessing  and the lack of trust and how much it bothers them to not be the final word. I don't not understand their issues, these are people who wrote policy at other jobs and in this job they have every decision gone over and changed . They hate it but they have come to depend on it and today they bitched and moaned and complained about not being second guessed and being trusted to make the right choices.Accountability is not fun.

Next week is going to suck.

I did not ride after work. I am a bad girl and even worse? I got pizza for dinner. I just really, really wanted one and I couldn't help it. I did eat an apple and a couple of small boxes of raisins for desert so I feel like I was not entirely evil.

While I was waiting for my pizza I wandered around Poverty Barn. I now own a bottle of sea salt. What does one do with sea salt?  Does it do anything special? Does size matter? I know it does not have iodine so its not for constant use  - I have enough problems without adding a goiter to them. Perhaps its more for cooking then seasoning. The bottle is certainly more attractive than the cardboard thing the other salt comes in, and it is ultimately about how cute the packaging is.

1 comment:

Term Papers said...

good story