Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seedlings of discontent

Thus far the differences between the cheap seeds I bought at Wally World and the expensive seeds I bought at the boutique garden store are minor : Neither is maturing.

And looking at the seed packets they came in for advice is not working either. I would like to know what the leaf structures of these plants might be and no one is forthcoming at least with the cheap seeds the packets feature photographs of the damnable plants. The expensive seeds are lovingly illustrated with  original art work that was strongly influenced  by what the plant looked like but not limited to that image. So its um, pretty but only approximate.

Thus far the least successful of all the seeds are the "Mixed Flowers", these are loser plants and the pretty photos of happy flowers on the packet should be strong enough evidence of intentional bait and switch to involve the AG's office and they should be nice to me because I have their number, actually I have a bunch of numbers for that office and I am not really that afraid to call them .

The mixed colors Lupines are also still a mystery. The photo shows only the flowers and none of the rest of the plant body and without the aid of flowers its hard to tell which two inch plant is which. So I went to Google Images to help myself with identification. I should have done this perhaps before it got dark out. This is why I need a lap top! I could take Google to the plants! It turns out I had guessed pretty close with the vine, even at its fetal stage it looks kind of vine-y. Nothing else had any baby pictures posted on line. Dicks.

I did find out I have very good place in flowers though. So score one for me, I mean other than the  Mixed Flowers debacle, for instance, the lupines I picked up are stunning and I would really love if the poppies were to mature but I'm thinking that looking at them right now? They aren't going anywhere, I'm going to plant them with the bedding plants but they aren't going to be the stars of the show. Pity, the picture says they are enormously beautiful and they would be huge stars of any show if they would mature. They look like pink muppets on stems.

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