Monday, May 17, 2010


I spent part of Saturday in Pittsboro . I was just about to get real mad at the party for making me drive forty-five minutes to a wretched little town in the middle of nowhere without even a Bojangles to feed myself at when lo and behold, they provided a  free lunch for my troubles. I forgave them for their trespasses.

If it wasn't for that though, I would have been very annoyed.  It was a thoroughly unimpressive little town and I know that for a fact because their hateful traffic circle hexed my GPS unit and made me tour the damned place. The Democrats love send delegates to these terrible little places and over the years I have found that Sanford and Lillington are also unimpressive. Why can't everyone just come to Raleigh? Everyone wants to come to Raleigh. Its almost civilization and if you live in one of the awful little towns that surround it its practicly metropolitan in comparison.

 There was one store  that I saw on my tour that I wanted to go back to but once again, the demonic and completely unnecessary traffic circle thwarted me. The traffic circle willfully confused my GPS so I know it was an evil thing. GPS units, along with puppies are signs that Gawd loves us. No decent thing would hurt puppies or confuse a GPS unit and I would be willing to bet that that traffic circle also does nasty things to puppies.

Once I actually found the convention, I learned that there is a reason that at most conventions there is a section marked "visitors" or "guests" or "big losers with nothing else to do on a Saturday" because we were going along quite well, minimum of un-agenda-ed speakers and everyone who spoke kept it mostly on topic and on time. Good. There was one tantrum but the thrower spoke very rapidly while he was having his  little fit and thus did not waste much time. What is a convention without a little drama?

But then we had to vote on something, actually three somethings and then it ground to a halt. None of the actual delegates had any problems, we all had been there before and we know the rules : 1) Don't ask questions,2) don't leave you seat unless you want to be damned in absentia to the hated resolutions committee and 3) do not under any circumstances stop the proceedings!

A visiter didn't like how we voted.  There was an issue of  should we be standing or sitting? raised hands? ballots?  and dear gawd  the spector of weighted votes! We had a problem because it wasn't made clear who could vote because they didn't separate the can't vote audience from the can vote delegates and then some asshole audience member had to start about how they do it at their conventions and that sent everyone into an uproar. Out of Order! He knew he was out of order and could not speak and yet he did! We go through the most ridiculous contortions to obey Roberts Rules of Order and then this asshole went all OOO! and then some other visitor went off and it got very hot in the lunchroom.

And then I decided that this was bullshit and I went home. I voted and I left. Gawd. The state convention is in Fayetteville which is a real city but I'll have to think if its a real city I want to be in in July. There will be freebies though,,,And when I got home I went to Artsplosure and only bought one thing.

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