Friday, May 28, 2010

Yay Three Day Weekend!

I discovered that it is not a great idea to eat ice-cream sundae's at 4pm. It does a number on your blood sugar and causes you to fall into a deep coma by 5:15. On the up side, you do sleep through dinner.

I had a whole list of things I was supposed to do when I got home from work and in my favor, I actually got most of them done, post sugar coma, hours later than I had planned but still objectives reached. I will end up taking a shower at eleven o'clock at night but still, I will take that shower! I was also supposed to bath Dogger but it isn't going to happen and if I really had been dedicated to this I would have gathered towels and shampoo the night before and I didn't so it is not totally the ice cream and chocolate sauces fault I slacked.

There was also the problem that pre-Memorial Day weekend,  I have no sunglasses again! I knew I was going to lose them because they cost more than the old variety I had been buying, which because they were cheap I almost never lost. I would buy new ones because the old ones wore out and now I am finding them everywhere, there must be three pair in my kitchen alone not the mention the ones I found in Minnie! I actually dug one pair out of the garden last spring.

I have to have new shades because I am going to the beach and I am not going to the beach without sunglasses, so I will have to hit the Wallyworld closeish to campus over lunch and hopefully they will have the kind that fits my glasses - The Wallyworld near me did not when I was there digging through their  rather pathetic selection the other day but I did unearth a Christmas ornament dated 2004!

 I also need to remember I need dog cookies and to look at their selection of bikes. Its a much nicer Wally than mine, so I am betting on a better selection of nicer bikes and  along with the better bikes, I imagine a better dog cookies as well. It is a much newer and better appointed Wallyworld and  it has much nicer stuff in stock and it smells better and has wider aisles, better lighting and they keep it cleaner. It is a lovely suburban Wally while my Wally by comparison is located in an ghetto slash urban hell hole slash war zone.


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