Friday, July 23, 2010

Living La Vida Kiddie Pool

86% humidity and it doesn't rain. It just doesn't seem fair somehow. I go out every morning at an ungodly hour of the morning in the dark to walk Dogger and I walk out the door and into some one else's lukewarm bath water. I just feel coated with ick and then I have to go to work, icky.

I was so happy when it finally stopped being winter. Sigh, be careful what you ask for.

I did not take Dogger for walk number 2. It's just too hot, for her, for my part life in Texas prepared me to deal with this. My blood is a gaseous state, bypassing entirely the lower quality, less advantageous "water" blood. You live in this environment you develop blood the consistency of condensed soup - which is helpful during the winter months as it prevents freezing to death but makes the summer heat brutal.

This humidity business is a bitch though. You could evolve beyond the need for blood entirely and still wish for death after a few minutes in the sun. I develop flop sweat watering my plants in the evening. Flop Sweat, like that character from Broadcast News but its not from savage stage fright its from the 86% humidity - that hangs on all day. It never burns off.

My plants aren't happy. As much as they like the sunlight the humidity makes them sad, they aren't tropicals and they don't understand whats happening to them and they are tomatoes! allegedly they love heat and sunshine and disappear shade and coolness. The peppers are just barely hanging on possibly because they are planted in a strip that seems to get marginally less sun than the tomatoes. Marginally. If I could I would get one of those over sized deck umbrellas and set it up over the garden to make them feel better. The plants in front that get shade are the happiest plants I have  and the only specimens left that I did not have to replant. The experimental tomato is the lone holdout who seems to enjoy the heat and the humidity. The freak.

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