Thursday, February 24, 2011

The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated.

Whatever you've got planned for Saturday afternoon, reschedule it.

Teachers, nurses, firefighters, students, police officers and others protesting in Wisconsin have occupied the Capitol building and streets of Madison for the past nine days.

On Saturday at noon, their protest is going national. In cities across the nation, including every state capital, we'll come together to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin.

This time the Republicans have gone too far in their attempts to bust unions, slash state budgets, and give tax breaks to their wealthy friends.

So on Saturday we'll stand up to say that we're sick of the attacks on workers' rights. That we're sick of an economy that showers corporate executives with bonuses while squeezing middle-class families. That we still believe in the American Dream. And that we're willing to fight for it.

Find Your Rally!

(I can't be at the one in Raleigh but there is no reason you can't be at the one nearest to you.)

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