Thursday, August 8, 2013

Doing Something

Today is about accomplishment!

I got the rest of Rockets prescription filled, I put very cheap gas in the car and I maybe found a much closer vender for Rockets special new food.

I came home and parboiled my tomatoes, cooked them down and made a delicious spaghetti sauce! I decided after straining the whole pot and looking at it for a few minutes that I like a more  rustic style of sauce and  (after a consult with Broskey) unstrained the sauce. When it was strained it looked like tomato soup, great to know, should I be in a mood to make tomato soup, but it just was missing the heartiness that I look for in a good sauce.

This sauce is different than the first batch in that it has ingredients that aren't tomatoes. It has green peppers, onions, fresh garlic and ground meat - also lots of fresh basil and chives. I think I used my tomatoes wisely.

It didn't make a gallons and gallons but I don't need a lot and I got enough for me . I now am going to have to get my pasta maker out because I would love to be able to use my homemade sauce on my home made pasta. I'm thinking ravioli.

In addition to the cooking I emptied and filled the dishwasher, paid my water bill and took us both for a walk to the post office.

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