Monday, September 16, 2013

Sparkcon 2013

I'm excited1 I have my Christmas card image! I have another image for the MIPers out there, but now I like the other card much better!  I'm going to march down to Jerry's Artorama and pick up some inexpensive blank cards and get this party started1 If only I could excited about starting to stock pile dog cookies ahead of the holidays. If only had roomt to stock pile dog cookies ahead of the season... A good harvest  can be a doubled edged sword - I have so much food I have no room for  more food!

I had the best weekend ever. Rocket and I went to the Dog Olympics and had a great time, then I went to Sparkcom and had a great time and then I went to Alphagals birthday party, and had a great time! There was a pattern there, I know it.

I didn't take a lot of pictures at Sparkcon because crowds of people are nice but they aren't really interesting or photogenic, they also don't make it easy to set up a shot. So I went back Sunday, after the crowds had dispersed , they need to make Sunday a bigger day, I think the majority of folks thought they were  done on Saturday. Anyway... fewer people made it easier to get a good look at the chalk art.


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