Friday, July 7, 2017

New Phone!

Not much to say today other than I finally replaced my old phone  the very bad G7 with the very sexy G8! I could have gotten the even sexier G8+ but I didn't want to be too sexy.

It is a very pretty phone and mine is dark blue, not that it matters, I put it into an Otter Box immediately, before I even left the store so it could be any color and it wouldn't matter. The best thing about New Phone is that it has a camera that works! so I can take pictures with my phone again! Our long national nightmare is over! Our other long national nightmare is over, the other one is ongoing, sorry.

I'm happy hat I can go on vacation and take pictures with it and my real camera and be covered 24-7. Now when I'm walking the dog I can take pictures again and that makes me very happy. There is a guy playing the accordion on random corners and I have being dieing to get his picture and now I can! whee! Its the little things.

I can also buy chargers for this phone anywhere and don't have to buy special ones like I did for the bad phone, but now I have to go and buy new chargers because I don't know where all my old chargers are anymore - but normal chargers are cheap and plentiful so yay! New phone comes with a kewl cordless charger thing, well, the thing has a cord but you just put the phone on it and the phone magically charges just by touching the charging base - but in the right place, I did find it does have to be positioned carefully. But still, yay! New Phone!

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