Friday, September 29, 2017


I left the house with the dog and I am going with the idea that it is Thursday, that it must be Thursday, but Thursday is take-the-bins-to-the-curb-day and it was 6pm on the day I have spent all day working on was Thursday and there was not a single bin on the curb.

This was very disturbing! Normally, but this time they're lined up on the curb like little soldiers! Not a one, not a bin. Now I'm wondering what day it is, is it really Wednesday , still? I mean, really? Could it still be Wednesday? how many Wednesdays do we have in a week? No, it has to be Thursday. All my TV comes on Thursday. Literally, almost everything I watch currently, comes on Thursday. Its insane. Thank Gawd for my DVR.

I think I am going to get the cat carrier thing for Tiny. I don't know if I can pull off wear him to work but I would like to wear him to the store or just around the house. People get really excited when they see a cat in public, its s surprise, a pop of cat. It makes me happy. I want to make people happy with my surprise cat. Also, he could be a my emotional support pet, I think I need one and he is small and easy to take places. Cats are much more portable that dogs, especially a 74 pound dog - I mean, he's wonderful and all but he does not lend himself to a hands free lifestyle. I can't really strap him to my chest and boogie on.

I will have to think about this.

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