Friday, October 6, 2017


So I came home with ever intention of following through with my usual schedule  and going for a walk, trying to remember that we need to do this ever earlier -    and successfully took the dog out and made dinner and fed the dog and changed clothes and ate dinner and... fell asleep.

Not a good look and did not get us out "early" to walk the dog. The dog didn't get a walk, late or otherwise not that he minded, he was also sleeping. He is not a good role model! He is however, a very good pillow. I need a way to tell my fitbit that I had an off night and there is no way I am going get those steps in. I know it's disappointed in me because it didn't bust out with a "Just 2500 more steps needed!" message like it does when it thinks there is a chance in hell. There are little switches in the app for almost everything, there needs to be one for "I might be getting sick or whatever, chill out and leave me alone for X days, okay? You are the worst! Gawd."

I did wake up eventually and got the trash out and the dishwasher emptied and filled. I have TV to watch. Shit is about to get serious on Project Runway.

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