Thursday, February 8, 2018


The weather people lied! It was supposed to rain all day and then the wind was supposed to pick up and  I planned accordingly. I didn't bring my lunch to work because I didn't want to sit in the car in the rain and eat lunch, so I went to Sam's instead and got more tea - in the weather peoples defence, it was raining lightly then. I congratulated myself  for wearing a rain coat to work despite the fact it wasn't actually raining in the morning

But it never really focused on the raining. It tried but it couldn't make it work. My co-worker said it was supposed to get really windy too, thirty mile an hour gusts! Those never happened either, and I'm pretty sure that she didn't hear the warnings from her phone either, she got that news from the actual real news from an actual real weather professional.  It did manage to rain again, very briefly, when I came home from work, so dog did not get a walk, poor dog! but then it stopped. My phone also lied about the rain. My phone still claims its raining. It is not raining.

I should have gone to the store tonight and bought a few things I didn't want to buy in bulk while on the Sam's trip today, but frankly, I'm in a "I don't like going out at night phase". I like it much better if I can just shut the door and stay in the house once I'm home. I don't have to go out again, I don't need to go out again, I'm not going to go out again. They invented the lunch hour for a reason.

Wally is much less busy over lunch and I can get in and get out much faster than I can in the evening. The whole experience is just so much less distasteful than it is normally. The evenings are so crazy at Wally that it might as well be a Saturday afternoon and no one wants to go to Wally on Saturday afternoon, its just too much to deal with. I would much rather get it over with at lunch, so I will.

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