Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Band Aids.

I think my bathroom is too dark. I put make up on in my bathroom and look okay and then I go to work and see myself in that bathroom and it becomes clear that I have to make sure that no one sees me in bright light or up close today.

This is not a good way to start off the work day. Not a confidence builder.

Well, that was easy. One of the bulbs was burned out. Was, now its replaced. New bulb, it looks brighter already. Its going to hurt my eyes in the morning but its going to be worth it - I am starting to see why a couple of the others wait until they get to work to put their make up on now, it is very bright and had very nice mirrors as well as some diffuse natural light. Its probably ideal for application, somewhere there is a beauty vlogger who would love to have such a great space. Too bad.

Tomorrow is a different day. Hopefully tomorrow I won't look like a quilt  or a beagle.

My thumb is a pain in my hand. I hate wearing band aids because whenever I have one on, the finger gets a terrible case of  claustrophobia! Terrible, the finger gets the sweats, starts freaking out, pacing and hyperventilating . It is okay for a while, a good few hours - a huge improvement over what it used to be, so fingers have had a lot of personal growth, Yay fingers! However, fingers can not go indefinitely being in a bandaid . Fingers go a few hours and then they really, really need that band aid off, off off and they need to take a walk and have some alone time, as much alone time as a finger can get. They need to be naked, fingers are nudists. Band aids are very offensive to fingers.

Today I only went through three, or four. I think it was just three? Sometimes they wear out really fast or get wet and then they have to go, or they lose stickiness- that is an immediate death sentence for band aids. There are a lot of reasons why a band aid has to go, sometimes they start out in the wrong position, crooked and aren't straight and that is not okay but they are on well enough so its okay and the finger is okay with it, despite its wrongness but time goes on and it will eventually really wear on the finger and is very upsetting to the affected digit. And sometimes the band aid is too big - Oh, Gawd! The whole hand is affected now! Everything is an issue with claustrophobic hands.

So now, I am dealing a claustrophobic, offended thumb. I can't go without a band aid because the wound can get sensitive and there is the potential for very minor blood loss and gross flappyness hat no-one wants to be around.  The thumb is okay with a band aid for a while, but after a while just gets jumpy and really wants out of that band aid! It can't help it! I have claustrophobic fingers! I don't have any control over that. I just have to remember to bring back up band aids because the last thing I want to do is have to explain why I keep raiding the first aid box -  of band aids I bought in the first place. Its a whole thing I don't want to get into.

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