Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Well. I go my taxes done. It just took two days and two people and I didn't bring he most important piece of paper with me, but you know, bygones and in the end, it didn't' matter because it didn't affect my bottom line one iota. I blame Donald Trump.

On the upside, I do get money back from the state the year, last year I got nada, this year I get $20. In years past, like 15 of the 17 years past I have drawn $300. I hate our general assembly and the Republican Party for which it stands.

Today I bought my official March for Our Lives Raleigh T-shirt, in orange, for the March 28th march, so go me.

I just noticed that my TV reception came back. hat means that I do not have to watch TV on my phone! Yay! TV was never really meant to be watched on a three inch screen. Bu itsn' it neat that if you have to, you can? I'm also not sure that DIY is available for streaming, they just don't seem that advanced. I am glad I get to watch The Alienist on the TV though, that is too good to watch on my phone. It was standing by though, I was ready to go on that if I had to - You have to have your Plan B ready to go at a moments notice, especially if you have a satellite dish that gets cranky when it it snows.

And it was/is snowing. It seems to have slowed way down and it didn't stick to anything that was not my dish. But that's fine, the dish is feeling much better now and that's what is important.  I think its almost all gone now, it was not fun while it lasted.

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