Thursday, March 29, 2018


One of my co-workers was so together with the sisterhood yesterday. She poked her head in my door, looked at me and said "You look Tired".

How do you respond to that? I was like "I feel fine". Because I did, its kind of hard to tell how I "look" in my office because I don't use the overhead fluorescent light and instead just use a floor lamp. My office is not well lit.

And so who was she to tell me that I "look tired", it was also 3:45 in the afternoon, who does not "look tired" at a quarter to four? And its not at all being a good member of the sisterhood at all. We're supposed to empower each other, not tell each other we "look tired". SHe could have said "You look like you have been working really hard today" or "Doing a great job today, Diana!", or  "Wow! You are tearing it up Diana! Good work!"

But no, she went with "You look tired".  Whatever. And I was fine, it was last in the afternoon and I did want to go home I was looking down a staff meeting so my day was not over yet. Normally, I go home at 4pm - not so much that day. Sucked being me.

But. That was so excuse to tell me I "looked tired". Because we all know  what that means and it is not a compliment - It does not say "Gee, your skin looks great today! Totally glowing!", "Are you useing a new make up? You look fantastic!", "I love that top on you, the color is great on you!". There are a lot of things you can say to someone that does not tell them they look like death warmed over.  Because that is what we all want to hear, it doesn't matter where in the day we are.

What if I had been totally feeling myself right then? What if I had just just got back from the bathroom where I had just been admiring myself in the mirror? What if I had just finished a whole pile of work and was feeling very professionally  accomplished and good about myself and she comes in a tells me that I "look tired" . That would be crushing.

Its a good thing I had only just finished a pile of work and was feeling professionally accomplished.  Good thing to know I also "looked tired".

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