Thursday, April 5, 2018


I didn't actually take the dog for a walk today - work sucked okay! There was a subpoena and this time it wasn't for someone else, which totally sucks because of course I am the one who gets to fill it because why not! And I do have file room subpoena PTSD, but no one cares about that.

But as it turns out this time it only requires me to hit print, over and over and over again, while sitting at my desk. I can do that.

And I still go all my other work done too, I have until Friday to get the rest of the order filled.  Still sucks though.

I came home, thinking it would be a good day to walk the dog. I took the dog out to pee, I came back inside and saw a puddle on the floor. I looked at the cats - hard. They have never had an accident, but there is always a first time. They weren't in the room so I looked hard into the space they would have occupied if they were in the room, then I looked at the dog, who was in the room, I couldn't figure out when he would have had time to do this, then I sniffed it. It wasn't pee. It was way to clear and watery to be anyone's pee.

I then looked to the sink,  I mean, I gave it a really dirty look.

The recently repaired sink.  The recently paid for sink.  The sink with entirely new guts sink. The still cleared out sink that I haven't even put the stuff back underneath it sink because I haven't felt like it sink. It was coming from under the sink.

I made a 911 call to my plumber. Hey. Its leaking under my sink  . Fifteen minutes later he was under my sink. It wasn't the guts, it was the faucet. The faucent had been dripping earlier in the week but it had stopped - that should have been a clue, it stopped up at the top but it started underneath . When you are spitting up blood , you have to wonder whats going on further down the pipe. I needed to have looked further down the pipe. Because it was waiting to flood my kitchen. Kind of, there was a puddle!

Anyway, he tightened everything that could be tightened, stopped the leaking and went home to study up on warranties on the faucet, which he installed.

And then I hung up my new Mom-Made drapes. I think they look very nice and lighten the room considerably.

Discount anything pink, and think dark gray, and you have the idea.

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