Thursday, April 26, 2018


Well, I'm off the hook. It was not my fault. The alarm did not go off, it wasn't me turning it off and going back to sleep. It was set and it did not go off. I feel vindicated. I also feel like I am going to get a new clock.

This morning the damn thing did not go off again and the clock was too far away from me for me to grab it  and turn it off and go back to sleep. I'm also hyper aware of the alarm now and I'm sleeping really lightly now, so that's great! I love barely sleeping.

I had to use Alarm 2 over the weekend and "alarm 2" worked just fine, so that tells me that the clockwork works fine.  I thought it was me that was failing but it wasn't me, it was Alarm 1! It let me take all the blame! It has stopped working and it totally let me feel like I had done something wrong. What an ass.

 Now Alarm 2 is now my default Alarm 1. And now I don't have an Alarm 2. I liked having Alarm1 and Alarm 2.

This time I also wasn't as late either. I did have to forgo the dogs walk but  that wasn't very much of a sacrifice. He didn't seem at all heartbroken about not getting his morning constitutional and I was happy to save the time.

Today was also Administrative Assistant Day. I feel your shock and awe. It is the best day of the year next to Christmas! This year we got a historical explanation of AA day, from its start in 1952 as a way of thanking secretaries all the way up to the present as away of recognizing , us,"The Backbone of The Division". We got pizza and I  found this on my desk this morning.

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