Friday, May 25, 2018


I took the dog or a walk today just so I would not disappoint my fitbit.  Again.

I had to wake the dog up to go for this walk and he was confused. He was all "Hey. I went to daycare today. I have been exercised. I have my exercise for the day. Now I need my rest for the day. I was resting and now you interrupted it for some more exercise. That I DO NOT NEED!".

I understood his need for rest. I had a staff meeting that ran twenty minutes over and I was exhausted from pretending to be interested in how to work in a program that I don't have on my computer and have no reason to use. Ever. My face was very tired from holding my "I am so interested in this presentation and I am just RIVETED." expression for so long. I was very lucky and was sitting next to the woman presenting it and across the table from my boss.

But, we are coming up on a three day weekend and I am hoping to go to a hot air balloon show. I have never been to one and they sound like fun.

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