Friday, June 29, 2018


Sorry, no post yesterday. When I would have been posting I was sleeping. I was tired! OI was at the gym for an hour and then I came home and walked the dog for 2.5 miles!  By the time I would have been sitting down to write, I was laying down to sleep, I was exhausted. Lesson learned.

Today I also did an hour but I did not walk the dog, he seems pretty chill with it. He hates the heat and as long as I take him out to pee when he asks, he's fine. He went to daycare on Tuesday so he was completely useless Wednesday and I didn't have to walk him at all when I think of it.

Oops. I also lost my car briefly Tuesday, it was very briefly but I still got the thrill of not knowing where my car was and just kind of wandering around hoping that something would spur my memory.  I did know it was by a church - which is not as good a hint as it could be because there is a church literally on every corner downtown. I could have said "I parked it on a paved street". I did finally find it, so yay me.

Today I did the same routine, sans losing my car, I parked in a garage, never again though, that bitch was expensive! I'll park and walk thank-you-very-much. I also didn't walk the dog. I was okay with that. Please note that I am awake to write this.

Saturday I am going to a Reunite the Families- Get-Those-Babies-Out-Of-Jail-You-Bastards Marches that are scheduled around the country and  to what should be pour great shame, around the world. I will be getting up early for this and so should you.

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