Thursday, July 10, 2003

Greetings from Vacationland!


So far the airline kindly lost my luggage and gave me something called Microjammies in return which turned out to be just a little bag with toothpaste in it. I want my Microjammies!. I got startled by a deer that came out of no where, but was not the same deer that chases people and attacks their pets. I would like to see the brazen creature attack Dogger!

I also learned that the best way to get through Mordor is to remember how you got to Mordor in the first place. It also helps to bring bug spray and a Hobbit. Dogger has the big furry feet of a Hobbit so it worked well.

Speaking of Dog. She has learned to swim. She doesn't love swimming but she does love fetching balls out in the water; pretty much as long as they are not so far out that she has to swim to the ball.

It is cold. In July! Cold!

I guess this is all for now. I'm trying to work on the archive issue.

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