Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Hail To The State

Today I got an email. The state, having noticed that I, and the rest of the state employees haven’t got as much as cost of living increase in two years - The Employee Union Ha proudly announced that they set up a deal with K Mart to give us hard working State Employees a whole 10% off first Wednesdays of the month! Super! Only people getting paid as little as we are could get this excited about 10% off at K-Mart.

In my ever hopeful state of being I had hoped that while I was away from the job that someone might have done it while I was gone. No luck there at all. Everything just sat there. I even sent an email to the Nominal Boss before I left apologizing for leaving tasks for her office to do. I thought by alerting them that these things needed to be done, that they would be done. I even bought these people gifties in thanks for the work they were most certainly doing in my stead. I could be feasting on chocolate covered blue berries.

Instead I’m filing. And filing. And filing. There were three buckets in my office the day I left, and they were still there when I got back. I have been warned that there are four more in the Nominal Boss’ office. I guess those public requests are just going to continue to sit.

They showed me how the filled a new big cabinet for me. Thanks folks, really, but um. I needed the space at the other side of the alphabet. Did no one notice? Sigh.

Kitty has recovered. He was sleeping on the chair when I came home. He had been standing by the door waiting every time I left the house. I guess he figured that this time I will be back.

I got tired of kitty knocking things off my desk. I cleaned my office. No, really. I cleaned it up. I have a white desk. The carpet in there has pink in it, I honestly didn’t know that. Since last Christmas, it had been Daisy fur colored. I also discovered that trash can be thrown away. It doesn’t have to sit there and be trashy, it can be thrown away and be thrown away. Shocking.

Daisy is still vacationing (not unlike the archives). I’m never going to get her to agree to hang out in her crate any more. I’m going to have to find a way to make my doors shut to keep her from going Shoe Hunting; the Great Orange Hunter has a flawless kill ratio. The door into the hallway shuts, but it prevents kitty from being able to get to his box. I have a baby gate but my doorways are irregular and I can’t make it fit right. So it tips and totters and acts as an irresistible dog toy. Not a good thing.

I’ve noticed that since I don’t have a dog to walk, I don’t walk. I don’t leave the house. I had some bills to mail; I dropped it off on my way home from work – from my car. I don’t walk my neighborhood unescorted.

Since Operation Desert Twinkie was so successful, we launched Operation Jungle Twonkie on Monday. SSG Cuz is far away in a no twonkie zone and he needs Twinkies, or a Twinkie substitute. In this case, Twinnys. I don’t think they are as hardy as their name brand cousin, but I’m going to have happy thoughts about their travel readiness. They have a long way to go. I wonder if you can buy jungle camo Twinkies? I don’t suppose that green Twinkies would be very appealing. Is a Twinkie still as sweet if it is green? Or is it just the sweet smell of jungle rot? Would cream filling mildew? To make sure he doesn’t end up with a box full of funky food we also sent him Marquette specific stuff, you have to know Marquette to properly appreciated stuff. I thought we should have included a Shop – Ko bag. You have to be a long way from Marquette to get excited about a Shop-Ko bag. I think he’s far enough away to get down right teary over a Shop-Ko bag. I’m almost teary at the thought of a Shop-Ko bag and I am thousands of miles closer to one then he is.

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