Tuesday, October 14, 2003

In a Different World

I was going to have this be about what I think would be in a perfect world, but I decided that in a perfect world there would be no motivation to make it a better world and that would be bad.

So I can forgo curing all diseases and ending poverty and torment and abuse. I am a realest after all and I know that some things, despite our best efforts will always be with us. I want to live in a perfect world just like everybody else, but I would settle for just living in a better world.

To proceed - A Better World Would Be Free Of :

Reality Television – I hate it. I blame the threatened writers and actors strikes several years ago. These crap factories have turned Humiliation and degradation into spectator sports and that’s not right. These episodic nightmares bring many of our species worst characteristics to the fore – greed, lust, suspicion, ignorance, Jeff Probst. To a show they are all bad remakes of Lord of The Flies and that ended so well for all involved! So of course it is used as the template for these train wreaks. People behaving like animals is so entertaining it’s hard to tear our eyes away. Rubber Neckers. I was a Rubber Necker until I saw a dead body on the road. My neck is now set in concrete. All of that doesn’t matter to their legions of loyal viewers – they never read that book, or any other that didn’t have pictures or was written in words with more then one syllable. And if they did have aspirations beyond picture books they certainly don’t after a steady diet of Survivor, Fear Factor, Big Brother, Paradise Motel, Joe Millionaire, American Idol, The Batchelor, The Batchlorette, Who Wants to Prostitute Yourself, Paradise Motel. These broadcasts make us easier targets for manipulation.

Video games/Computer Games/Gameboys, - I hate them too. They suck. They turn previously fairly normal people into trolls. Add Anime into the mix and we end up with Quentin Tarentino. A troll with really good hand eye coordination, a lack of social skills, and an unhealthy compulsion to believe that King Fu has useful applications in everyday life. They also let you kill a lot of vaguely human things, in very nasty, bloody, repetitive ways and not care about them. Very much like a Quentin Tarentino movie. Or

FOX News - Neo-Nazi hate speech mixed with clap trap, nonsense, spin, lies, half truths, rhetoric, misinformation, propaganda, party line, cant , lies, deceit, falsehood, fabrication, mendacity, deception, garbage, baloney, twaddle, drivel, gobbledygook, gibberish, babble, jabber, dishonesty, fraud, cheating, and con games masquerading as “news”. In my mind, French or pardon me, Freedom kissing a corrupt and treacherous administration is not actually the same as reporting the news. Unfair and Unbalanced coverage makes Jack a dull witted boy.

The Republican Party - The folks that brought you Dick Nixon and Watergate are bringing you an even more grotesque corruption and molestation of our trust then that famous Republican party game. We had The Presidents Men, the Best and Brightest, all liars, jackals and con men. The good old days. I could go on but it becomes liable and I fear the GOP goon squads. If anyone is interested, there is a demonstration in Washington to exercise our constitutionally protected right to gather. Go there October 25 to express your displeasure at what the administration is doing to us. Exercise your rights before your rights are exorcised. Carl Rowe and the rest of the neocons hate the constitution so it may be in the process being rewritten. Make sure you have a cop as it stands before they start to convince you that you are remembering it wrong.

Everything and Everyone who for their own ends makes us as a people less bright, less curious, less likely to question, less likely to disagree, less educated, less brave, and More Scared

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