Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Classus Interuptus

What a let down. I hurried home, changed my clothes, fed Dogger, walked Dogger and then scarfed down my own dinner. Whew. For nothing… the puppy class isn’t really going to met for another couple of weeks. Seems there aren’t enough people signed up yet and he wants to have a puppy class and an adult class.

I did get to visit with an iddle biddle itty bitty puppy whuppy, So cute! A 10 week old Boxer/English bull dog mix. I got to hold him and smell his little puppy head. His mama went into the pet store to find him a sweater because he was cold and Dogger looked so warm in her vest and so styling – I was peer pressuring her and I wasn’t even trying! Dogger was styling and so Big!

Dogger looked like a pony next to that tiny dog. When Dogger first got a look at the puppy she didn’t know what to think, she just peered at him and leaned hard into me. That didn’t last long. She looked at him like she was trying to figure out what this tiny thing was. It didn’t smell like the Not Dog yet it was small like the Not Dog . I think she was waiting for him to hiss at her like the Not Dog . Dogger finally got a good whiff of tiny dog and decided it was a Dog after all. Then the puppy tried to get up in her face with his tiny, mostly ineffectual paws. Dogger just shook her head and glared at him as if to say a I’ve shit bigger than you boy.

I just about got giddy when I got to hold the puppy and had to put him under my coat! It made me wish Dogger was a tiny puppy. I wish I had known Dogger when she was a younger Pupper. I bet she was a gorgeous puppy! she probably smelled like a puppy and had puppy tummy and puppy tail and all those tiny puppy things that make it easy to over look the puppy puddles and puppy poop. I wish I had known Dogger then. I knew the older puppy her, the toddler puppy her. Sigh. I wish I had known her when I could have picked her up and put her under my coat. Deep sigh, Tiny Puppy Tummy!

Since Puppy School was a wash out I went to the store instead. I needed soda and enough ramen to get through to pay day. Winter time is one of the few times of year that hot chicken soup is not only appropriate but doctor recommended. I think that if I had ramen when I was sick that I would have gotten better faster and if I had started sooner I might have saved myself the drug store visit. Maybe. I at least would have had some chicken soup to comfort myself with. I can of see myself sitting at my desk with my aspirin bottle and throat spray lined up in front of me, sipping soup out of my coffee mug.

While I was wandering around the grocery store and trying to find where they had hidden the soup and why they had endless soda kiosks but no soda isle, – it is not my regular grocery store and everything was moved around. It’s very confusing trying to find things in a strange grocery. Why can’t they be uniform? I don’t want to spend time in cookie isle when I really want to be in the dry soup isle. I don’t need the temptation of surprise cookies or doughnut displays. They do it on purpose so you get confused and so you wind up in Cookies instead of Cookware.

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